Updated 13/06/2023
submission is now closed

iMagine call for use cases

Apply and get access to Services, Tools, Training & Support for AI-based image analysis in aquatic sciences!

iMagine provides

  1. an online platform for the development and delivery of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications to analyse images in aquatic sciences (marine and freshwaters)
  2. consultancy and technical support for the development of AI applications for image analysis
  3. five AI-powered image analysis applications for marine and freshwaters research
  4. a rich portfolio of aquatic images to train and validate new AI applications

iMagine ran a call for external use cases from mid-2023 until February 2025.
Thanks to this call, the project was able to support six use cases in addition to the project’s ones.

Contact info[at]imagine-ai.eu if you have any questions about the call for use cases.

Call details

What we offer

Run 10-month long collaborative project with you to support you in

  • AI model training
  • Large scale image analysis
  • Using the iMagine AI platform to develop and train AI models
  • Getting access to cloud resources (GPUs, CPUs, storage) to store images and to scale up analysis workflows
If you are in any of these scenarios, you shouldn’t miss this opportunity!
  • Raw data (including images) is available, but no image analysis workflow is in place yet
  • No repository is available to store data and images securely
  • Use case with little knowledge of AI and where to start from
  • Use cases in need of consultancy on the best tools to use
Review phase

Our team of expert reviewers will evaluate applications according to the following criteria:

  • Technical feasibility of the project, i.e. can machine learning/deep learning methods help?
  • The task can be completed within approximately 10 months of collaboration (under terms to be defined on a case-by-case basis) between the proposing party and the iMagine team
  • What are the resource requirements of the project in terms of compute, storage and software capacities?
  • What is the potential impact of finding an improved solution for the described analysis problem?
  • The scientific data you provide, if not public, will be treated confidentially and the reviewers will sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement.